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CBD FOR PETS - Discover the potential benefits of CBD for your Pet!

Cat and Dog

At Flora Fusion we love when we get four-legged visitors. All our team has our very own pets whom we love and care for.

Did you know that our pet’s biological systems react the same to CBD products as people? Well, we did! So, we sourced the absolute best!

As more and more humans are turning to the benefits of Flora Fusion CBD oil, pet owners are thinking about how they can share the benefits with their furry friends! Whether your fluffy family members include dogs or cats, our CBD for pets will allow them to enjoy the same CBD goodness as you!

Flora Fusion CBD oil offers the same benefits to animals as it does to you! Because dogs and cats and humans are all mammals, so similar in physiology, both bodily systems can be positively affected by CBD in the same ways. If you want to boost your pet's overall wellness, support a sense of calm and comfort, or help them manage daily stress, Flora Fusion CBD for pets can be a great and rewarding option for both you and your beloved.


What is CBD?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. But before we get carried away imagining our furry friends "high," it is important to understand that CBD does not get your dog or cat high in any way.

In fact, Flora Fusion CBD is unable to get anyone or any animal high in anyway. This is because our CO2 hemp-extracted CBD oil contains negligible levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC (<0.3%); this is the part of the plant that induces the “high” feeling.

Once extracted, CBD and the full spectrum range of other highly beneficial plant chemical compounds are infused into a carrier oil for easier consumption by humans, dogs and cats. There are three types of CBD oil, depending on the inclusion of other compounds:

  • FULL-SPECTRUM CBD: Includes a full range of cannabinoids and terpenes along with the CBD, including trace amounts of THC, though the THC isn’t enough to cause any psychoactive effects. This is arguably the best kind of formulaic structure for maximum benefits of the plant offerings.

  • BROAD-SPECTRUM CBD: A hybrid between the range of isolates and full-spectrum; broad-spectrum also contains an array of cannabinoids and terpenes, but it excludes any detectable THC molecules from its mixture. and will also be missing other components dependent on the product itself

  • CBD ISOLATE: The purest form of CBD available; it contains only CBD, as any other cannabinoids and terpenes are further separated after the initial extraction. Proven scientifically to have relevant however limited benefits overall for therapeutic function.


How does CBD work?

CBD works with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a neurological network found in all mammals, even dogs. It’s a bodily system made up of two types of cannabinoid receptors:

  • CANNABINOID RECEPTOR 1 (CB1) attaches to the central nervous system, which controls thoughts, speech, awareness, movements, sensations, and memory.

  • CANNABINOID RECEPTOR 2 (CB2) belongs to the peripheral nervous system, connecting to limbs, skin, and various organs.

By supplementing endogenous chemicals, CBD oil activates certain cannabinoid receptors,. The ECS function is that of homeostasis (balance) throughout the body and CBD supplementation can offer unique benefits when interacting with this system, including but not limited to stress management, promoting calmness, reducing pain, and complementing a regular wellness routine for pets, among other positive effects. Because dogs and cats have similar cannabinoid receptors, CBD for pets can manage similar conditions in our beloved companions.

CB1 & CB2 receptors in Humans and Animals

CB receptors


What are the benefits of CBD for pets?

CBD is just as beneficial to dogs as it is to humans. Many people use CBD for a variety of reasons, including sleep relaxation, workout recuperation, and maintaining a sense of calm in the face of everyday stressors.

Separation anxiety, restlessness, and muscle and joint stiffness are all symptoms that dogs can have in common with humans. Although any definitive effects of CBD oil for dogs are grossly under-researched, anecdotal reports and positive feedback from happy pet owners suggest that the benefits of CBD oil for dogs can help manage many common concerns.

1. Pain Relief

Just like humans, as your dog ages, certain problems, such as arthritis and joint pain, become more prevalent. Because arthritis is characterised by joint inflammation, CBD's anti-inflammatory properties may help cure and relieve pain, allowing your dog to live as comfortably as possible.

While research into CBD benefits in animals is somewhat limited, initial findings show that CBD products can provide arthritis relief by reducing inflammation and pain in dogs with joint issues, resulting in increased mobility.

A study from Cornell University found that 2 mg per kilogramme (2.2 lbs) of CBD twice daily can help increase comfort and activity in dogs with osteoarthritis.

Despite limited quantitative data, many dog owners report seeing fast, visible improvements in their dogs’ mobility and a reduction in their joint pain symptoms from arthritis when regularly given CBD.

Here at Flora Fusion we can also attest to the many happy pet owners that once were desperate to find relief have reported much happier pets.

As a natural approach, CBD offers a less harsh alternative to traditional medications, which often come with more severe side effects for the long-term health of pets.

2. Anxiety

Anxiety in dogs and cats can be a significant challenge for both pets and their owners, manifesting through various behaviors and triggered by numerous events. Understanding the cause of canine anxiety is crucial for effective management.

CBD may offer a natural option for managing stress and anxiety in dogs. If your dog suffers from separation anxiety or fear of loud noises, CBD could be just what he or she needs. Clinical studies indicate that CBD can aid in erasing aversive memories and can mimic serotonin by binding and activating serotonin receptors, crucial for emotional stability.

Research published in Neuropharmacology in 2013 demonstrated that CBD helps manage negative emotions triggered by events like thunderstorms or fireworks. It also assists in managing PTSD, anxiety, and panic disorders in both humans and animals.

Another study from 2019, featured in the Permanente Journal, highlighted CBD’s ability to calm the central nervous system with better tolerance than traditional psychiatric medications.

That’s pretty exciting for stressed out pet owners dreading Guy Fawkes night.

3. Anti-allergy

Again, like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies, which can significantly impact their quality of life. If you've been researching natural remedies, you may have come across CBD as a potential solution. CBD's anti-inflammatory characteristics make it an excellent natural remedy for canine allergy symptoms, such as itching, redness, and inflammation.

Most allergy symptoms are based on inflammation. While inflammation is a necessary defence mechanism, it can be troublesome when the body reacts excessively to harmless substances. Chronic inflammation not only makes your pet uncomfortable, but it can also have a harmful influence on their general health.

Recent research from Naples, Italy, highlights CBD’s ability to inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals, such as histamines and cytokines, from mast cells. These chemicals are responsible for triggering allergic reactions in dogs. Scientists have concluded that “the endocannabinoid system possesses a protective role both in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases.”

4. Seizures and epilepsy

Seeing our pets in pain really pulls on our heart strings. For those who have pets that suffer from epilepsy, the discomfort of seeing our beloved animals in the throes of seizures can be unbearable to witness.

Epilepsy is one of the most serious brain disorders faced by dogs. It is characterised by recurrent seizures. Signs of a seizure include twitching, shaking, tremors, convulsions, and/or spasms.

Although the pharmaceutical path is well trodden, researchers have noted the detrimental effects that these medications can have on a dog’s liver. The negative side effects of these medications have led many pet owners to consider more natural and holistic treatment options.

CBD has demonstrated significant promise for managing seizures in both humans and animals.

Recent studies, including research from Colorado State University, suggest that CBD may effectively reduce seizure frequency and severity in dogs. A number of studies confirm that CBD has anti-epileptic and anticonvulsant actions, which may reduce the frequency and, in some instances, the severity of seizures.

Additionally, animal studies and in vitro research show CBD exhibits neuroprotective effects, which may aid in protecting against damage to the brain and nervous system during seizures.

Research published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association in 2019 found that 89% of dogs who received CBD in the clinical trial had a (median, 33%) reduction in the frequency of seizures.

In addition to the significant reduction of seizures in the group of dogs that received CBD oil, they saw a significant association between the degree of seizure reduction and the amount of CBD concentration in the dog’s blood. No adverse behavioural effects were reported by the dog owners.

5. Skin conditions

CBD's therapeutic qualities extend to a variety of skin conditions in dogs, providing targeted relief through topical CBD remedies. Topical CBD can effectively treat skin irritations, dermatitis, and infections, as well as stimulate healthy skin cell growth and inhibit the development of malignant cells.

Research done at the University of Pisa in Italy revealed the existence of numerous CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors throughout the layers of dog skin. Unlike humans, dogs have thinner skin with a higher concentration of these receptors, allowing CBD to penetrate deeper and stimulate the skin's local endocannabinoid system.

This makes topical CBD salves very useful for treating rashes, redness, dry skin, lumps, pimples, and tumours in dogs.

CBD can help dogs with atopic dermatitis by utilising the protective effects of the endocannabinoid system and cannabimimetic chemicals against allergic inflammatory diseases. This makes CBD oil an ideal choice for treating dry, itchy skin caused by dermatitis, psoriasis, or other inflammatory skin diseases.

Furthermore, cannabinoids have high antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial activities, making them useful against yeast and other skin infections.



In conclusion, as more pet owners become aware of the potential benefits of Flora Fusion CBD oil, it’s clear that this natural remedy offers a promising alternative for supporting the well-being of our furry friends. Whether it's relieving pain, managing anxiety, combating allergies, reducing the frequency of seizures, or improving skin conditions, CBD for pets may provide significant health benefits similar to those experienced by humans.

By integrating CBD into your pet's daily routine, you can help them lead a healthier, happier life. As always, it's important to consult with your veterinarian to ensure CBD is a suitable option for your pet's specific needs.


Flora Fusion CBD for Pets


Flora Fusion Pets is a blend of low strength cannabinoids and terpenes with 200mg of CBD infused into Salmon oil which has proven popular with Cats and Dogs alike (I tasted it... it was not for me).

We would not put a product on any market we would not try ourselves and that goes the same for our pet’s product. Get them tails wagging!

Flora Fusion CBD oil for pets is very effective, even in low doses, and 100% safe to use. Current studies show it’s near impossible to overdose on CBD. If you accidentally give your dog more than anticipated, there’s a very low chance of it having adverse effects.

We recommend testing Flora Fusion CBD oil on your pet prior to a stressful event; this will give you a chance to identify the perfect dose.

Usage Guidance

Start with a low dose, and only increase if you don’t see results after a short period of use. Results can be instantaneous but this is not the case for all. Every person is different and so too is every dog and cat. A full dropper (1ml) of Flora Fusion CBD for pets will dispense approximately 20 drops.

A good rule of thumb is 1 drop per 5 kilos of body weight twice a day for dogs. 1 drop a day maximum for any size cat.

The most common delivery method for CBD for pets is via CBD oil. If your pet is willing, you can place drops directly into their mouths under their tongue (called sublingually in industry terms). But if your pet is resistant to this method, the easiest method is to apply drops to their food or a beloved treat.




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